Dame Laura Knight: A Moment’s Rest

Hear More Franz Schubert At Sunnyside Read More Dame Laura Knight: the artist who declared, ‘I paint today’ Dame Laura Knight at wikiwand The Newlyn School at wikiwand See More Dame Laura Knight At Sunnyside The Newlyn School At Sunnyside Dame Laura Knight at ArtUK Laura Knight at Sotheby’s Laura Knight at Christie’s Laura Knight…

Dame Laura Knight: The Nuremberg Trial (1946)

“Knight was appointed a ‘war correspondent’ for this commission and made a special BBC broadcast from Nuremberg. She gained special access to the broadcasting box just above the prisoners where she was able to make charcoal studies of the main protagonists amongst the lawyers and the accused. Her painting reproduces faithfully the courtroom scene and…

Dame Laura Knight: Sunday afternoon in Hyde Park

Read More Dame Laura Knight: the artist who declared, ‘I paint today’ Dame Laura Knight at wikiwand See More Tag: Dame Laura Knight At Sunnyside Dame Laura Knight at ArtUK Laura Knight at Sotheby’s Laura Knight at Christie’s Learn More A Tragic Life: Florence Carter-Wood Thanks for Visiting 🙂 ~Sunnyside

Dame Laura Knight: ‘I Paint Today’

“At the Edge of the Cliff is one of the strongest works in this clifftop series. The young woman in her striking striped blue and white skirt and white jumper has a timeless quality to her, her outfit feeling as modern to a contemporary audience as it did over 100 years ago. She stands on the…

Dame Laura Knight: The Fairgrounds, Penzance (c.1916)

Who Was Dame Laura Knight? Dame Laura Knight (1877-1970) was an English artist in the figurative, realist tradition who embraced English Impressionism. According to Tate.org “Influenced by Impressionism and the Newlyn School in Cornwall, Knight’s subject-matter is contemporary without being avant-garde. Dismissed by Modernists for her lack of interest in formal experiment, Knight’s insistent realism…