Allan Clayton: Ingenious Bee, from Berenice, HWV 38 (Handel)

Paul Klee ( Swiss-German, 1879-1940), Tropical Blossom, 1920. Oil and pencil on primed paper on cardboard, 26 x 28.5 cm. Source: Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern Switzerland. Courtesy of the Phillips Collection.
Vedi l’ape ch’ingegnosa
Su quei for vola e riposa
Dove più trova d’umor.

Ne si arresta ancor che bello
Sembri a lei di questo e quello
Solo e semplice il color.

Consider the bee, who cunningly
flits among the flowers and rests
wherever it suits him best.

He never stops on account of how beautiful
this or that bloom seems to him,
but only and simply on account of its color.

via Jeffrey Stivers 
Allan Clayton: See the ingenious bee from the opera Berenice, queen of Egypt, HWV 38 (Handel), Vedi l’ape ch’ingegnosa from the opera Berenice, regina d’Egitto, HWV 38 by George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), Allan Clayton, tenor, The Mozartists (formerly Classical Opera), Ian Page, conductor

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  1. christinenovalarue says:

    Waouh 🎵🎵🎵🎵

    Liked by 1 person

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