Pentatonix: My Heart With You

Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) Le jardin sous la neige, soleil couchant, stamped with signature ‘Bonnard’ (lower right), oil on canvas, 23¾ x 23 in. (60.3 x 58.4 cm.), Painted circa 1910, Image Source: Christie’s

“An aspect of Bonnard’s art that grew in importance after 1900 was his Impressionist inheritance and its influence is very evident in the present work. In a departure from his earlier Nabi preference for flat pattern, unbroken fields of color and compositions freed from atmospheric effects, the present work makes transient light and modulated color the subject itself. Bonnard’s exploration of the colored nuances of a winter afternoon sees the rose red glow of a setting sun, its warm palette of refracted light flooding the vault of the sky, balanced by a shallow carpet of snow. The neutral tone of the snow, in turn, is laced with gentle echoes of the heat of the sky, as a soft purplish-blue color pulses throughout. However, the artist has not totally abandoned his planar construction of the 1890s.”


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Les Nabis on Wikiwand

Pierre Bonnard on Wikiwand

Japonisme on Wikiwand

The Nabis at The Art Story

Pierre Bonnard at The Art Story

Bonnard, Pierre, Colta Feller Ives, Helen Emery Giambruni, and Sasha M. Newman. 1989. Pierre Bonnard, the graphic art. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. , (accessed 8 Nov 2018).

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Pierre Bonnard At Sunnyside

Les Nabis At Sunnyside

Pierre Bonnard at wikimedia

Pierre Bonnard at Christie’s

Pierre Bonnard at Sotheby’s

Art by Theme at Giverny Museum of Impressionism

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